I Swear, Any Second Now…

Today is an auspicious day for posting. I mean, come on. It’s Easter and April Fools’ Day. That’s a great combination and it needs to be posted on, that’s what I decided… several weeks ago.
Then again, I also decided I’d post on Valentine’s Day. Something funny, slightly abrasive, mocking the absurdity of the overly commercial holiday (that started with death and now involves flowers and teddy bears) but eventually giving in and agreeing to compromise–we could celebrate Singleness Appreciation Day, and you could give chocolate to all the people in your life that just don’t care about this thing you call ‘romance’. (It’s been several years since the first time I was told ‘you’ll change your mind when you get older’. How old are we talking, here?) But, as you know, I did not post on Valentine’s Day, and it took me a good while to actually start working on a post for today… and there’s only one crook to blame.

Wanted, dead or–actually, just dead, not sure you can find it in any other condition.

Now the question is, why? What makes this scoundrel such an evasive, tricky thing? We here at Locked Girl put our best men on this case, and here’s what they have to say:

“We really thought we were getting somewhere at first, but then we just needed to take a break for a while.” –Group A

“We weren’t getting anywhere. What was the point?” –Group B

“…zzzzzz…” –Group D

“Ooh, shiny!” –Group E

“…” –Group F, too busy playing Candy Crush


Okay, this is absurd. I’m going to have to do something about this at once. And I will, really, I will.

Just… give me a couple of minutes…

9 thoughts on “I Swear, Any Second Now…

            1. Well, that’s good to hear, I suppose. The last time I heard of someone leaving breadcrumbs everywhere they went, it was this annoying pair of children… Little gluttons. Always shoving people in ovens, too.

              Oh dear, spoilers.

              Liked by 2 people

              1. I just came back to check the comments, and what do I find? EVERY SINGLE COMMENT, LIKED BY… me? And yet, I haven’t been back to like them. Suspicious… frankly, this is getting ridiculous. I really need to have a talk with my old nemesis. He’s been far too busy liking things for his own good.

                Liked by 1 person

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